6 Tips To Reduce Coffee Consumption

Coffee is a drink with great history and culture, which is why it is part of the economic sustenance of several countries. This means that many people around the world consume it in large quantities. However, there is a time when it is important to reduce your coffee consumption.

Do you drink a lot of coffee to gain energy during the day? Have you been consuming it in excess for many years? Here you will find tips that will be of great help to reduce its consumption. Try all of them until you find the best ones for you.

1. Replace your morning coffee with other drinks

There are several alternatives that can give us energy in the morning and help reduce coffee consumption. Green juices that combine fruits and vegetables, such as celery or beets, provide energy and nutrients to the body.

Take into account that Continuous consumption of coffee or tea increases the chances of developing esophageal cancer . This risk is aggravated if alcohol and cigarettes are also a habit.

2. Try taking a nap

Resting for 30 to 60 minutes daily improves cognitive abilities and mood, facilitates learning, and provides energy to the body. All these activities will allow you to reduce your coffee consumption and continue with the rest of the day’s routine.

Here it is vital that you analyze if you are consuming coffee to stay awake because your daily routine does not allow you to rest. Remember that getting enough sleep and relaxation is vital and, although coffee helps keep you alert, it is not advisable to abuse .

Ideally, set aside a short time to rest and revitalize the body rather than increasing the dose of caffeine. Pay special attention at this point if your dream night is not adequate.

3. Get more exercise

The more physical or aerobic exercise you do, the more energy your body gets and the better it fights fatigue. A 25-minute daily routine of aerobic exercise can help the body gain more energy as the days go by.

  • Remember that exercise will not only help you reduce your coffee consumption, but it will also improve your overall health and ward off serious illnesses.

4. Increase water consumption

You can reduce the dose of caffeine with a regulated consumption of water. Do not forget that this is one of the main sources of natural energy for your body.

The right amount of water will make you feel healthy, active and healthy. Take into account that caffeine dehydrates the body and makes it more resistant to diuretic effects . Instead, water hydrates you and keeps your energy levels high.

5. Change your coffee drinking habits

Do you usually have a cup of coffee when you wake up, another in the middle of the morning and another at snack time? In this case reducing coffee consumption is very important, but it will also be a challenge. The ideal is to reduce consumption to fewer cups per day .

A useful option would be to eliminate the coffee in the first week at snack time and keep a cup in the breakfast and the lunch. Thus, it would be possible to gradually avoid dependence and addiction to it.

6. Work your willpower

If you are in the presence of an addiction to coffee, it is advisable to reduce its consumption little by little. Trying to do so drastically can lead to irregularities in our daily activities.

This requires the willpower to put aside the coffee and follow the recommendations previously explained. In case it is very difficult, it would not be bad to go to a specialist . Although it seems exaggerated, a psychologist can be of help.

Remember that needing to reduce your coffee consumption does not imply that it is bad

By last, You cannot demonize the consumption of coffee, because in moderate amounts it is good for your health . A study published in the medical journal JAMA Not only has he ruled out that coffee causes health problems, he has also indicated that it can prolong life.

However, remember that everything in excess is bad. Therefore, it is always advisable to opt for a balanced consumption of coffee and complement it with a good lifestyle. And you, how do you control the amount of coffee you consume?

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