3 Main White Fish And Their Benefits

Fish consumption is essential for health. Food from the sea manages to provide essential macro and micronutrients for the proper functioning of physiological reactions. Its intake is related to a lower incidence of complex diseases. Next we will talk about white fish and the benefits they provide.

Remember that we can find these foods of two types: white and blue. The main difference between the two is the amount of fat they contain, with whites being significantly leaner. Specifically, they contain only between 0.1 and 2% lipids in their composition.

3 main white fish

In the market it is possible to find a multitude of white fish. For this reason, we want to tell you which are the main 3 and the nutrients that they contribute to the body.

1. Hake

Hake is a food that can only be fished offshore, in cold waters. It is typical of the North Seas and throughout the year it is for sale in the main supermarket chains. It has a good freezing capacity, so it can be preserved for several months.

This white fish is characterized by its low calorie content and by the presence of proteins of high biological value in its composition. It should be noted that these nutrients are essential when it comes to fighting diseases that cause muscle atrophy, as stated in a study published in the journal Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology .

In turn, this marine product is a source of micronutrients, such as group B vitamins, for example. It also contains minerals such as phosphorus and calcium, the latter being a determining factor in the prevention of osteoporosis.

Its regular intake has been shown to reduce the risk of fractures in women who have passed menopause. In this stage of life, estrogen concentrations decrease, favoring the loss of bone mass. Calcium and phosphorus are necessary to stabilize this mineral balance in bone.

Sea bass in the market.

2. Golden

Gilthead sea bream is another of the white fish that live in cold waters, far from the coast. In this case, it is less common to find it in its frozen form, since it is usually consumed fresh.

This precious product, like hake, contains all the essential amino acids that the body needs to ensure tissue repair. Among them, leucine stands out, as it is the one with the greatest anabolic potential on muscle building.

In parallel, sea bream stands out for its high iodine content. This mineral is useful during the treatment and prevention of some thyroid diseases. It is possible to find in the scientific literature reports of cases that managed to reduce the symptoms of hypothyroidism from an increase in the contribution of this mineral.

On the other hand, we cannot neglect the organoleptic qualities of sea bream, which make it a highly valued white fish, which makes the product more expensive. It is common to find this food as the protagonist of a menu in celebrations and special days.

3. Sea bass

In the same way as sea bream, sea bass is a product that is appreciated from a gastronomic point of view. It is a rock fish that can be found near the coast in its wild state. It usually inhabits cliffs or areas where the tide hits hard.

However, most of the seabass for sale are farmed, which can alter their lipid profile. The highest quality are wild ones, although they also have a higher price.

The seabass stands out for its easy digestion and for the contribution of proteins of high biological value. In addition, its regular consumption is associated with a lower risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, according to research published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition . This relationship extends, of course, to the intake of fish in general.

Although the tastiest way to prepare this food is baked, you can also get very satisfactory results grilled. The important thing is not to fry it, in order to avoid the formation of trans fats and increase its energy value.

Table with hake.

The benefits of consuming white fish

As we have been discussing, the regular intake of white fish offers a number of health benefits that can be summarized as follows:

  • They help prevent muscle atrophy.
  • They help prevent osteoporosis.
  • They guarantee the contribution of vitamins of group B.
  • They stabilize thyroid function.
  • They prevent cardiovascular diseases.

The consumption of white fish is associated with a better state of health, without a doubt. For this reason, it is recommended that they be a fundamental part of any diet.

In fact, it is beneficial that the presence of fish exceeds that of meat on a weekly basis. It varies between the different types of seafood that can be found in the supermarket to ensure that your diet tends to a healthy balance.

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