How To Attract The Girl You Like

Being confident and having good social skills will be two points in your favor when it comes to attracting the attention of the girl you are interested in. We will tell you more in the following article.

Would you like to attract the girl you like? There are men who, due to their charisma, achieve it without much effort. However, most usually have some doubts before making the decision to approach that woman who steals their sleep.

Lack of confidence or shyness cause many to put the idea aside before even trying. The truth is that anyone has the ability to increase their attractiveness, you just have to know how to do it.

To do this, we are going to give you a series of guidelines that will make your staging easier. Let’s go deeper.

5 attractive male qualities

Boy having coffee with the girl he likes

Like all human beings, women can have different tastes when it comes to the man they want in their life. However, there are certain masculine qualities that, for most, are quite attractive.

1. Security

Women are not attracted to insecure men. By nature, they tend to be more attracted to those who show strength and security. Men who display their ability to lead and protect have the upper hand in conquest.

When there are obvious signs of shyness, insecurity or nervousness, the seduction attempt can be slowed down.

2. Social skills

One of the things that generates the most attraction in a girl is the ability of a man to act appropriately in a social situation.

What does this mean? Very simple: it is that ability to safely enter a social environment where you have never been before. This is being initiative, talking, being assertive, and showing sympathy and education.

3. Body language

Following the line of the first point, to attract the girl you like it is essential to take care of body language. Showing nerves, insecurity or any related trait can be the path to failure, as we have already discussed.

  • At this point it is essential to take care of your body posture and forms of expression.
  • Thus, avoiding anxious movements and learning to look into the eyes are ways to convey confidence. In the same way, try not to invade your personal space.

4. Physical appearance

It’s not about looking like magazine models or something similar. As for men, for women the physical aspect is also important when flirting.

Try to always be neat, clean and smell good. Although it is true that many pay more attention to the way of being, the first impression is very relevant. 

5. Details

Men who are detail-oriented have a great advantage when it comes to conquest. The details make them feel special and they see the interest that exists in sharing experiences with them.

There are many ways to have details, even without something material involved. Although it is true that physical gifts usually make a good impression, they also value the dedication of songs, letters and beautiful words.

  • Careful! This quality should be treated in moderation. Although it can be useful in the conquest plan, in excess it is counterproductive.
  • If the idea is to arouse her interest, you have to show interest little by little, without being too “intense”.

Man giving a gift

How to conquer the girl you like?

Having clear the qualities that we mentioned above, what interests us comes: how can you conquer the girl you like? Well, first of all, you have to try to have an initial approach. The conquest goes through different stages and things do not always turn out as one expects.

  • If you are ready to start interacting with her, be positive, think that you will be successful, and try to maintain a balanced personality, without pretending to be something you are not.
  • Take a good look at how things play out when you are with her and try to identify if there is any kind of interest on her part.
  • Be confident around them and try to keep the conversation alive and interesting.
  • When you are more confident, try to include deeper topics so that she perceives you as trustworthy.
  • Once you notice that she is interested, look for more opportunities to continue with the conquest.

When is it convenient to express feelings? Is it good to do it on the first date? It is best to take things calmly so as not to give a bad impression.

You can show interest without getting to the point. After getting to know her better, after spending more moments with her, you can express yourself more openly.

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