Tips To Avoid Colds

Some tips to avoid colds can be put into practice with some simple habits like washing your hands and eating healthy. Likewise, avoiding tobacco consumption and keeping spaces clean can be useful tips to prevent colds.

It is common for the temperatures to drop with the arrival of autumn and this causes the humidity in the environment to increase. These factors, together with another series of meteorological conditions, are causes for an increase in the circulation of the viruses responsible for the cold, which is very common among the population.

Colds are one of the most widespread illnesses that recur every year. Although different folk remedies are known to prevent and treat them, many often end up in bed as a result of a cold, flu, or cold.

Here are some tips that could help you avoid catching a cold. However, it is suggested that when you have any suspicions or symptoms, then immediately consult a doctor to prescribe an appropriate treatment.

Tips to avoid catching a cold

Wash your hands constantly

This is probably the first tip you can put into practice to avoid catching a cold. It is important to take this precaution after shopping, going to the gym, or spending a lot of time in public places. In general, hand washing can help remove viruses that may have been contacted by touching infected surfaces or people.

If you do not have the space to wash your hands correctly and constantly, remember that you can take some antibacterial gel with you and use it after visiting these places. For parents: talking with children and teaching them to wash their hands correctly and often it can be a good habit to advise them on the prevention of colds.

Eat well

This research from the National Institute of Health shows that among the complementary approaches to avoiding colds, diet appears as one of the most important. The immune system is made up of several layers that must support each other in order to provide optimal protection to the human body, in this case, defend against the virus that causes colds.

For this, experts explain, it is important to maintain a moderate consumption of foods that provide vitamins and minerals such as zinc and vitamin C, which help the body “to defend itself against the attack of some viruses and bacteria.” Therefore, eating a balanced diet that includes the macronutrients that the body needs every day can be an important step in preventing colds.

Avoid constantly touching your face

Touching your face too often may be due to several factors, sometimes it is related to simple habits of people. However, it seems that touching the face, especially the nose, eyes and mouth is the motor result of the body when it is under stress.

This study carried out at the University of Malaga says that stress is like a physiological reaction of the body in which various defense mechanisms come into play to face a situation that is perceived as threatening.

Likewise, it points out that sometimes the human body tends to react through some of these defense mechanisms, such as repeatedly touching the face, which includes the eyes, nose and mouth. This may be one of the reasons why viruses that cause colds are caught or spread.

Do not smoke

To smoke

Smoking is a bad vice that can cause various health problems, it also irritates the eyes of smokers and those around them. This can cause the cold virus to enter our body more easily and complicate the defenses to do their job of fighting it.

This study published by the Colombian Ministry of Health explains that smoking is a public health problem because it kills half of those who consume it and is one of the main causes of death from preventable disease. It is also the main risk factor for causes of death in the world such as cardiovascular diseases.

In the same way, he explains that if tobacco is capable of causing these diseases and so many deaths a year, then it makes consumers more likely to be infected with viruses such as the one that causes the cold. Avoiding these habits and, in the case of those who consume them, abandoning them permanently can increase the chances of avoiding contracting a cold.

General cleaning and grooming

The home and workplace should be kept and kept clean and dust-free. Although this is related to a personal habit, it is a way to reduce the chances that a virus that transmits colds will leak and can spread to family or co-workers

Vacuuming at least once a week is recommended, trying to keep the most used surfaces clean such as tables, mobiles, remote controls, light switches and lamps and any other surface with which you maintain contact on a regular basis.

When a family member or friend with whom you usually spend a lot of time has already had a cold, it is important to prevent the spread of the virus. To achieve this, it is recommended to clean the objects with which the infected have had contact and that, in general, are shared with that person.

Avoid extreme temperature changes

Avoid temperature changes to avoid catching a cold

Sometimes the body is prepared to avoid getting sick, but sudden changes in temperature can help reinforce the appearance of the virus that causes the cold. In a study carried out by researchers from the London School and Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, it is explained that sudden changes in temperature can lead to coronary spasms and with it a greater number of myocardial infarctions or angina pectoris.

Hence, doctors advise the general population on the importance of avoiding the transmission of viruses such as the flu or the one that causes colds, especially among the most vulnerable people. During the time when colds are more common, it is recommended to wear a sweater or scarf to protect the throat and keep the body at a slightly warmer temperature. Keeping your feet warm is also important, as the cold often finds an entrance through them.

What can I do if I have a cold?

It is common for people to worry about not catching a cold, many want to avoid it in the measure of its possibilities and preventions. However, it is common that when someone has been infected they want to heal quickly. In this case, it is suggested to consult with a doctor who can suggest an appropriate treatment that can be taken at home while waiting the prudent time for the cold to pass.

On the latter, this information from the Mayo Clinic says that there is no cure for the common cold. Antibiotics are not helpful against cold viruses and should not be used unless there is a bacterial infection. Treatment is aimed at relieving the signs and symptoms. Some used cold remedies include pain relievers, nasal decongestant sprays, and cough syrups.

Likewise, experts suggest that if you change your lifestyle and make conscious use of some home remedies, the cold could be treated in a less aggressive way than using syrups or sprays. They explain that to feel comfortable when you have a cold you can follow some suggestions such as:

  • Drink plenty of fluids: water, juices, clear broth, or warm lemon water are good options. It is suggested to avoid caffeine and alcohol because they can be dehydrating.
  • Have chicken soup: Chicken soup and other hot liquids are often comforting and can ease congestion.
  • Rest: staying at home reduces the chances of infecting others. If the person feels drowsy after taking medication, it is even better to stay home from work or school.
  • Adjust the temperature and humidity of the room: keep the room warm, but not excessively. If the air is dry, a cool mist humidifier or vaporizer can moisten the air and relieve congestion and coughing. It is suggested to maintain the hygiene of the humidifier to avoid the proliferation of bacteria and mold.

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