Combat Fatty Liver With These 6 Alternative Treatments

If you are following a treatment to combat fatty liver, before taking these remedies you should consult your doctor in case any adverse effects could arise.

Fatty liver – hepatic steatosis – is a condition whose cases are increasing due to diets rich in fat and sedentary lifestyle. It occurs when fatty acids and triglycerides accumulate in liver cells, representing between 5% and 10% of the total weight of this organ. Fight fatty liver by following medical treatment and accompanying it with natural options.

Although it is a reversible condition, its lack of control can cause serious complications and affect the functions of other body systems. The problem is that it does not usually manifest itself with strong symptoms in its initial stages and, most of the time, it evolves silently.

Fortunately, there is treatment for it and, if the doctor authorizes it, he can admit some medicinal preparations as adjuvants. You will be able to discover some below.

Fight fatty liver

The appearance of this disease is directly related to the metabolic syndrome, but it can also occur due to the damage caused by excessive alcohol consumption.

As mentioned, fatty liver is usually a silent disease. If there are symptoms, the United States National Library of Medicine explains that these can be confused with a wide variety of pathologies since they are, mainly, discomfort in the upper right area of ​​the abdomen and fatigue.

If the presence of this disease is suspected, the doctor will prepare a medical history and perform different studies, including blood tests, imaging tests, and even biopsy.

Once the diagnosis is obtained, the professional will determine the best treatment to follow. Generally, this includes modifying eating habits, as well as losing weight and being more physically active. In addition, some of the following home remedies may be used as an accompaniment to physician-prescribed treatment.

1. The ginger infusion

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The ginger root contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant assets that could contribute in an accessory way to medical treatment. Remember that this discomfort can lead to inflammation, especially in the case of non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis.

Gingerol, the substance that gives it its spicy flavor, acts as an antioxidant and anti-lipid. In this way, it could help reduce the accumulation of fat in this organ. This substance fights the particles that cause oxidative stress that is linked to the tendency to suffer from this condition.

What should you do?

  • Prepare an infusion of ginger with the fresh root and, after letting it rest, consume it up to 3 times a day.
  • Take it for 2 weeks in a row if your doctor authorizes it.

2. Fight fatty liver with a boldo infusion

Boldo is one of the digestive plants that has stood out for hundreds of years as an ally of liver health. According to popular wisdom, its cleansing properties would promote liver and gallbladder function, and increase its ability to digest fats.

Data from WebMD indicates that it would help dissolve gallstones and clean the ducts that send bile to the intestine. On the other hand, this herb also has antioxidant properties.

What should you do?

  • Get several boldo leaves at your favorite herbal store and use them to make an infusion.
  • Consume it 2 times a day, a week in a row, if your doctor authorizes it.

3. Radish juice

Radish slices.

According to some beliefs, the antioxidants found in radishes would help break down the fats retained in the liver, as shown by some studies carried out in rats. Its intake would promote the control of cholesterol and triglycerides, two lipids that complicate the treatment of fatty liver. Of course, research in humans would be necessary to corroborate these data.

What should you do?

  • Put a couple of radishes in the blender and mix them with a glass of water until you get a smooth juice.
  • Pass it through a strainer and consume it every two days.

4. Fight fatty liver with chard tea

Popular wisdom indicates that the natural chard drink concentrates antioxidant and detoxifying substances that, when ingested, would support the functions of the liver in terms of the digestion of fatty compounds. In addition, its active compounds would control the inflammation caused by this condition. Specific investigations are required to determine the veracity of these beliefs.

What should you do?

  • Put several chard leaves in a pot with water, let it boil over low heat for 5 minutes and, after obtaining the drink, pass it through a strainer.
  • Drink 2 or 3 glasses a day, for 2 weeks.

5. Grapefruit juice

Refreshing teas contribute to a healthy life.

Natural grapefruit juice contains naringenin, a component that Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology has found to act as an antioxidant to combat fatty acid build-up. Thus, it would serve to prevent this condition and, also, its worsening.

What should you do?

  • Extract the juice from six fresh grapefruits and sweeten them with a teaspoon of honey.
  • Consume the drink on an empty stomach, at least 2 weeks in a row.

6. Infusion of milk thistle

The infusion of milk thistle seeds is one of the most popular alternative remedies for the control of fatty liver. Its hepatoprotective and anti-inflammatory qualities would help protect the cells of this organ and reduce the accumulation of lipids.

What should you do?

  • Prepare an infusion with milk thistle seeds or buy it in supplements in herbal stores.
  • Drink it once a day, every day.

    What should you keep in mind?

    Although popular wisdom indicates that many of these remedies would contribute to the recovery of hepatic steatosis when included in a healthy lifestyle that also takes into account the doctor’s instructions, they are not a substitute for treatment. 

    Given that several may have contraindications, it is essential that you consult with your doctor before starting to consume them. Thus, you will avoid adverse reactions and interactions.

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