Soft Dark Hair With Rosemary Oil

To show off beautiful smooth (dark-colored) hair, you can turn to rosemary oil, a natural liquid that can help hydrate the strands and restore their strength and shine.

Rosemary is an herb that has been used for centuries and in addition to being a common ingredient in various recipes, it has also been used as an ally of beauty.

Although it is not scientifically proven, it is considered that its application would not only take care of the health of the hair, but would also help prevent gray hair. 

Why is rosemary good for hair?

Rosemary ( Rosmarinus officinalis L. ) is a very aromatic shrub of Mediterranean origin, whose branches are used for various purposes in cooking and cosmetics. In this last area , it is known for its revitalizing and antiseptic properties, which stimulate the roots of the hair, avoiding problems such as hair loss and promoting their growth.

Rosemary is used in various ways in cooking and cosmetics.

According to popular beliefs, rosemary stimulates blood circulation and thanks to this, the hair gains life and strength. It also darkens it, making it ideal for maintaining the color of dark brown or black hair.

The traditional ways of using rosemary to grow hair (repair it, or both, as the case may be), is preparing an infusion with its leaves or directly applying its essential oil.

How to use rosemary oil for hair?

It is recommended to apply rosemary essential oil combined with another type of oil, such as almonds, olive or coconut. This is because rosemary oil is very strong and could cause side reactions in some cases.

A few drops of oil could also be added to the shampoo or conditioner to take advantage of its properties with each rinse.

If you have chosen to mix the rosemary oil with another, keep in mind that the ideal is that you apply it well throughout the scalp, making gentle massages, and then extend it to the ends. Let it act for about 20 minutes –approximately– and after this time, remove it with cold water.

Would you like to know more options so that you don’t always repeat the same one? In that case, keep reading because here are several hair treatments with rosemary oil. Take note and choose the one that catches your attention the most!

Treatment to prevent or reduce hair loss

Rosemary oil has properties that help combat excessive hair loss. Its use stimulates the hair follicles and prevents premature aging.

This treatment combines all the properties of rosemary to combat and prevent abnormal hair loss, as well as helping to combat problems such as dandruff.


  • 2 sprigs of dried rosemary.
  • 5 drops of rosemary essential oil.
  • 1 ¼ cup (250 ml) of olive oil.

    Preparation and application

    • Heat the olive oil.
    • Mix it with the other ingredients in a dark glass bowl.
    • Let the mixture sit until the oil is warm.
    • Then apply it all over the scalp and hair, wrapping a hot towel around the head.
    • Let the oil act for half an hour and remove it with cold water.

    Treatment to soften and darken hair

    Rosemary is an ideal plant to prevent and combat the appearance of premature gray hair, as it has properties that help deepen dark tones. It is not recommended for light hair, precisely because it can make it darker.


    • 4 tablespoons (40 g) of rosemary.
    • 10 drops of rosemary essential oil.
    • 2 cups (½ lt) of water (500 ml).

    Preparation and application

    • First, bring the water to a boil in a pot.
    • Once it is at the boiling point, add the rosemary and the drops of essential oil.
    • Let it simmer for another two minutes.
    • Then, it is removed and left to rest until warm.
    • Once it is ready, strain it and use the resulting water as the last hair rinse.
    • Afterwards, it should be combed for a couple of minutes and it dries. The treatment is applied for 5 days in a row and the hair should be left to rest for 2 days.

    Contraindications to consider

    • Rosemary oil should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
    • People with epilepsy should avoid its use.

    Ideally, you should check with your doctor (or dermatologist) before using rosemary essential oil as a hair treatment on a regular basis.

    Finally, remember that since it is a natural treatment, the results may take a while to appear, so you must be constant in its application.

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