Low-calorie Diets And Gallbladder Stones

Various studies indicate that low-calorie diets are related to the appearance of gallstones, although the data are not conclusive.

Gallstones are hard structures or deposits that form inside the gallbladder, which is why they are also popularly known as stones. They can have different sizes: from the equivalent of a tiny grain of sand to the dimensions of a golf ball.

A 2013 study indicates that gallbladder stones can be made up of cholesterol or excess bilirubin.

For its part, this condition would be more common in North America and Latin America. Broadly speaking, some of the factors that could trigger the appearance of gallstones would be transplants, diabetes, bile insufficiency or liver cirrhosis.

However, recent studies have shown that losing weight quickly or following a low-calorie diet can also cause gallstones.

That is why here are some of the results that led scientists to warn that low-calorie diets, better known as lightning, could potentially cause this problem.

Risks of low calorie diets

In an effort to lose weight quickly, many people choose to follow low-calorie diets. However, this type of solution could lead to some problems. Mainly, low-calorie diets would promote a higher concentration of salt and cholesterol in the bile, in addition to causing the emptying of the gallbladder.

In fact, some research suggests that low-calorie diets don’t actually have as miraculous effects or results as is believed. In the long term, other types of options can have the same results. It is best then to consult a specialist or nutritionist.


Low calorie diets and gallstones

Due to the problems that low-calorie diets can cause, a group of researchers from the Karolinska Institute in Switzerland carried out a study on this.

To do this, they collected data from people who were on such diets and compared them with the national registry of gallstone treatments.

After that the researchers selected people who were interested in participating. With all of them, two groups were formed.

The first of them was made up of those who followed a low-calorie diet for three months. The other group was of people who had a diet that was not so low in calories, which they must have maintained for the same period of time as the other group.


In the end, the investigation yielded surprising results. There was a relationship between people who had eaten a low-calorie diet and the appearance of gallstones, as many of them had this problem.

For their part, those who belonged to the control group did not have the same results: the number of cases was much lower. Despite this, to date researchers have not yet discovered the factor that triggers the appearance of gallstones.

The truth is that it was confirmed that low-calorie diets would present health risks. That is why you should consult your doctor if you want to lose weight in a healthy way.

The specialist is the one to suggest what type of diet is the best for you. In addition to that it can give you other options to help you lose weight. The latter is not a race against time or an aesthetic question.

Obesity is a health problem, so it must be treated in such a way, ensuring the health of patients who suffer from it.


Today there are various miracle products on the market that promise immediate results without effort. However, most of the time this is very dangerous because it can cause serious damage to health, much of which is even life threatening. Before taking any action, consult your doctor.

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