Change Your Figure In 30 Days With This Beauty Routine

To change your figure within 30 days you must adopt a daily exercise routine and change some habits. We will tell you everything in the next article.

Change your figure naturally with this routine that we propose. With perseverance, but in a simple way, you will be able to achieve the goals you set for yourself, such as toning the chest, reducing the waist or slimming legs.

Discover in this article the best tips, exercises and techniques to get the body you’ve always dreamed of in a short time. In addition, you will achieve it without the help of any surgery or any inaccessible cosmetic product.

Get started today!

Change your figure without surgery

The shape of your body depends, in large part, on genetics. However, factors such as the rhythm and lifestyle, the diet and the habits that are practiced also influence.

Therefore, you should not resign yourself if you have a body that you do not feel comfortable with or that makes you unhappy.

With a little daily perseverance and a lot of patience, you will begin to notice physical changes that will make you feel more comfortable with yourself.

Daily routine for a slimmer body

1. Strong and toned legs

Change your figure with exercises at home

Leg muscles become flaccid when you lead a too sedentary life. Spending many hours sitting or even standing can take a toll on your thighs and calves.

The consequences usually derive in excess fat and the dreaded cellulite. Therefore, it is important to walk every day at least half an hour at a good pace.

Throughout the day, you can practice specific exercises in the area, such as going up and down stairs whenever you can, jumping, squatting and getting back up, etc.

To end the day, when you go to bed, already in bed, try to raise your legs and move them while doing the bicycle.  With this simple routine, you will achieve tougher and more stylized legs.

2. Thin waist

To achieve a slim waist that enhances the female form, you should focus on some lifestyle and eating tips. Some of them are the following:

  • Avoid dining too late or too much.
  • Reduce the consumption of refined carbohydrates made with flours (industrial pastries, cookies, bread, pizza, pasta).
  • Increase your protein intake, but do not exceed that of animal origin.
  • Eliminate sugars from the diet.
  • Drink between 4 and 6 glasses of water a day.
  • Try to have a good night’s rest, with the necessary hours.
  • Avoid stress.

3. Molded buttocks


The contoured, firm and round buttocks that some people have are the result of privileged genetics. However, in most cases, this “perfection” is due to daily exercise in this area.

The most famous are squats, which are also easy to do anytime, anywhere. You can even take advantage of the work break!

The important thing is to increase progressively and be constant.

How to do them?

  • To start, stand up and spread your legs at the hips.
  • Next, bend your knees.
  • Then, lower your body with your back straight to bring your buttocks to the floor and back.
  • Finally, if you want to add weight, you can grab a bottle of water. 
  • Start with 3 daily sets of 15 squats and work your way up to 5 sets of 20.

4. Firm chest

The chest loses firmness over time as a result of gravity. However, you can fight sagging in different ways, all very effective:

  • Try to have good posture and avoid hunched shoulders.
  • Perform arm exercises with little weight or with elastic bands.
  • Avoid wearing bras that are too tight or are not your size.

Your self-esteem is what most beautifies you

There is something you need to keep in mind. It is useless to have a statuesque body if you do not take care of the most valuable thing you have: your self-esteem.

If it is damaged, no matter how much sport you practice, you will always look bad. You must love yourself a lot, prioritize yourself and treat yourself with kindness. In this way, you will be able to achieve all your goals and you will value them twice, since you will appreciate all the work you are doing.

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