How To Reduce Belly With A Simple Exercise

To reduce the belly it is essential to abandon sedentary lifestyle, improve lifestyle habits and exercise daily.

To reduce belly it is essential to exercise daily, abandon a sedentary lifestyle and adopt a healthy lifestyle. Do not rely only on the consumption of a shake or a ‘miracle’ diet, which far from providing benefits, only puts health at risk.

Here we propose a simple exercise that you can include in your routine and practice at any time of the day and place, to reduce your belly, little by little.

The abs are not the only allies when it comes to reducing belly

A few years ago, the advice to reduce belly was to do sit-ups two or three times a week. Today we know that it is not something so easy to achieve, since many of us have tried without achieving our goal.

Abs: how to do them without affecting the back?

For some people it may be easier to do sit-ups as well as to take advantage of them and that the results are noticed, but on the contrary, for most people it is something that can be very difficult and requires a great effort.

In addition, in some cases we have found that abdominals, if not done properly, can cause back pain and discomfort.

The abdominals that are done correctly, without using the force with the back, help us to tighten the muscles of the abdomen, but they are not enough to reduce volume. To achieve this we must take into account several factors.

Factors that influence the appearance of a belly

  • Bad posture: improper body posture can worsen the appearance of the tummy. Many people suffer from a weakness of the lumbar muscles that causes them to ‘stick out’.
  • Excessive consumption of harmful fats and sugars: consuming unhealthy fats, sweets and sugars daily causes the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area, in addition to some health problems.
  • Eating more than necessary: people who eat more than they need.
  • Sedentary lifestyle: the lack of daily physical exercise, added to poor posture and the fact of staying in the same position for a long time contributes to the appearance of the belly.

What is correct posture?

An effective exercise to reduce the belly

The exercise that we propose  to reduce your belly and achieve a slim waist and a flat stomach is very simple. In addition, it is a method that we can practice throughout the day, while we are sitting or doing other activities.

We must always keep the abdomen in mind to do the following:

  • When we remember, we will breathe in normally and, when we breathe out, we will introduce the abdomen inwards.
  • We will keep it tight for a few seconds but without it being too forced. We should continue to breathe normally but without releasing our strength, and we should even be able to speak.
  • It is important to do this by pushing the lumbar back a little.
  • We will do it during the day, when we remember, trying to make it more and more frequently.
  • We will do it whenever we are doing efforts or exercises in the gym, climbing stairs, picking up weights, etc.
  • We have to feel how the belly becomes flat and even the waist narrows.

This exercise helps us tone the abdomen and back without hurting ourselves, which is why it is a very suitable exercise to get used to doing throughout the day.

Diet and exercise together can provide better results

Above all, we must maintain a healthy lifestyle, based on consistent habits in order to achieve the objectives and obtain all the benefits possible. Therefore, in addition to exercising, it will be essential to eat a balanced, varied and sufficient diet.

Protein foods

To do this, we will follow the instructions of the doctor or nutritionist. Additionally, we can consult you on how to improve digestion through the consumption of foods rich in fiber, such as fruits, prunes, oats and chia seeds.

We will increase the consumption of protein and healthy fats, and reduce carbohydrates to small amounts of whole grains.

We can set a goal to always eat 80%, that is, not fill ourselves up until we feel heavy or bloated. We can finish meals with digestive infusions instead of desserts rich in sugar or flour.

We will also drink a lot of water throughout the day and avoid the consumption of flavored (industrial) waters, sugary drinks and the like.

If necessary, we will perform postural re-education exercises to improve the health of the back and we will avoid sitting for more than 45 minutes in a row to reduce the belly.

Of course, all the little gestures can help us. In this sense, we must remember that we should walk more to different places (supermarket, pharmacy, etc.) and climb stairs often, not always use the elevator.

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