8 Tips For Drinking More Fluids

A habit as simple as having a bottle of water always nearby is the best way to get more fluids and stay properly hydrated.

Surely you have read or heard somewhere that it is essential to consume two liters of water per day (at least). However, if we do not have this habit, it is often difficult to comply with the recommended dose.

Therefore, we give you some tips to start drinking more fluids, regardless of the time of year or the activities you do.

Why do we need to drink more fluids?

It all depends on various factors such as physical activity, age, health, etc. However, the 6 or 8 glasses of water a day are necessary for each and every one of us. The health benefits of this liquid are many:

  • Increase energy.
  • Avoid headache.
  • Avoid constipation.
  • Allows you to lose weight.
  • Improves physical performance.
  • Reduces the risk of heart attacks.

It should be noted that consuming a glass of water before meals helps increase satiety, which is useful in order to lose weight. This is stated by a study published in Clinical Nutrition Research.

Tips for drinking more fluids

As we have already said, the recommended amount is two liters per day. However, not only water “counts”, but also natural infusions, fruit juices and even vegetable soups. It is very important that you analyze the color of your urine to know if you are going on the right track.

When you get up, it is normal that it is very yellow but with the passage of time it should change until it is transparent. At that moment is when you have met the adequate intake of fluids. If you are not in the habit of drinking a lot of water during the day, we recommend that you pay attention to the following tips.

1. Don’t wait to be thirsty

Thirst is a sign of dehydration. Therefore, when you feel like drinking water it is because the body has already been needing fluids for perhaps an hour. Keep the body hydrated to avoid the sensation of dry lips and throat.

2. Always have water nearby

Always have water nearby

During the first weeks it will be a bit difficult to remember that you have to drink water. That will happen until you incorporate the new habit (it will take approximately 21 days).

  • To remember your fluid intake, a good idea is to carry a half-liter bottle with you everywhere.
  • It is also important to leave it “in plain sight” (for example, on the desk in the office). So you will see it and remember that you must consume water.

Keep in mind that dehydration has been shown to affect cognitive function. Therefore, do not wait to go to such an extreme to ingest liquids.

3. Replace soft drinks with water

When you have lunch or dinner, or when you are thirsty and are walking down the street, instead of buying a soda full of sugar, we recommend that you choose water. In this way, you will be hydrating the body and adding “good” fluids. It will also be easier to meet the appropriate daily amount.

4. Drink before eating

Drink before eating

A glass of water before each main meal already meets half of the recommended intake. And if, in addition, you add a glass before the mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks, you already have 1.5 liters. Very close to recommended.

The remaining two glasses can be ingested, for example, half an hour after lunch and an hour before going to bed at night.

5. Increase your intake in summer

The famous 2 liters are an “average” for an adult but, of course, at certain times of the year we should increase that amount. For example, when it is very hot.

During the summer months it is recommended to increase to 3 liters per day. Therefore, a good way to incorporate the habit is in winter. By the time the hot days begin, it will not be so difficult to increase your intake a little.

6. Add infusions

Add infusions

Another tip for drinking more fluids is not to limit yourself to just “plain” water. It can be quite boring, especially if we are not used to it. A good way to hydrate ourselves naturally and effectively is through herbal teas.

  • You can choose green, chamomile, mint tea or whatever you want. Keep in mind that tea has beneficial substances for health, according to research published in Biomed Research International.
  • The important thing is not to add sugar and if you want to sweeten it you can use stevia or a teaspoon of honey.

In summer, cold herbal teas can be excellent to quench our thirst and recharge our batteries. Accompany them with some lemon wedges, ice cubes and some mint leaves.

Instead, in winter, drink them warm to feel comforted and raise your body temperature while you hydrate.

7. Opt for natural juices

Another good way to drink more fluids is to take advantage of the amount of water in fruits and some vegetables. The important thing is that the smoothies or juices are 100% natural. This means that you prepare them yourself at home. You can combine the ingredients as you prefer.

Don’t forget to add some fruits to your recipes such as apple, orange, watermelon and peach. You can add ice cubes or cool water to make them less “heavy.” Don’t add sugar.

8. Eat soups and broths

Consume soups and broths

As with juices, it is essential that the soups are natural and homemade. Separate the broth from the vegetables and consume it throughout the day. It is ideal for cold days, because it not only hydrates you, but also comforts you and prevents you from eating caloric foods.

If it’s hot you can opt for a rich gazpacho (better if you prepare it without bread) or vegetable smoothies that include tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, beets, etc.

Hydrate well to be healthy

Finally, remember not to go more than an hour without drinking fluids to avoid dehydration, headaches and a feeling of dry throat. Especially when summer arrives and the heat begins, this recommendation becomes important.

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