8 Reasons To Start Including Chia Seeds In Your Diet

Besides giving us energy and being very beneficial for digestive health, chia seeds are perfect to avoid dehydration and balance electrolyte levels of the body.

Chia is part of the popular superfoods, named for the nutritional properties that characterize them. Find out why it would be important to include chia seeds in your diet and the health benefits it can provide when consumed regularly.

Do not forget that the basis of a diet is variety. It is essential to include foods from different groups to ensure a balanced supply of nutrients. In this way, deficits that may condition the appearance of diseases will be avoided.

Why include chia seeds in your diet?

Chia is an ingredient from Central America that, due to its benefits for the body, has gained fame in many parts of the world in recent decades. They are characterized by their small size, as well as a delicious nutty flavor that can be combined with other ingredients to give a more special touch to dishes.

The most interesting thing is that, due to its content of fiber, fatty acids and amino acids, it has become one of the best natural supplements for weight loss. Although it is not a miracle food or something similar, its regular consumption can help promote the loss of fat tissue.

Taking into account that some are still unaware of them, today we want to share in detail 8 reasons to start eating them.

Chia seeds.

1. They help to take care of the heart

Chia seeds are a healthy source of omega 3 fatty acids, an essential nutrient to protect the heart against the effects of cholesterol and arterial problems. This healthy fat, also present in foods such as fish, helps remove excess harmful lipids and, incidentally, increases the presence of so-called “good cholesterol” (HDL). This is stated by research published in the American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs .

Its regular intake supports the control of high blood pressure and the circulatory problems associated with it.

2. Improve bone health

Another reason why you should include chia seeds in your diet is that its essential minerals are a great help to maintain healthy and strong bones.

  • Every 2 tablespoons (28 grams) of the seeds provides 18% of the recommended daily amount of calcium and also provides potassium and magnesium.
  • Its absorption reduces the risk of premature wear, loss of bone density and other damage associated with old age and free radicals.

3. They serve to lose weight

Adding a small portion of chia seeds to your meal plans can lead to interesting fat loss effects. Its contributions of fiber and antioxidants help to avoid the accumulation of fat in the tissues and, in turn, help to eliminate that which is already deposited.

On the other hand, combined in salads or smoothies, it helps prolong the feeling of fullness to avoid excessive calorie consumption.

Chia seed breakfasts

4. They help to gain muscle mass

The significant contribution of essential amino acids of this food is useful to improve the increase of muscle mass. These proteins are easily assimilated in the body and, since they increase the energy level, they are ideal for better physical performance. It has been shown that to build lean tissue it is essential to guarantee protein intake.

5. They take care of digestive health

The dietary fiber contained in this food is ideal to support digestive processes, especially in cases of constipation or irritable bowel syndrome. Its daily intake helps control inflammation in the digestive tract.  At the same time, it improves its motility and facilitates the expulsion of the waste that usually accumulates in it.

6. Reduce joint pain

The omega 3 that this food provides has an anti-inflammatory effect that helps to calm the pain that affects the joints. According to a trial published in The Clinical Journal of Pain , this nutrient helps reduce the symptoms of knee problems.

This nutrient, added to antioxidants, reduces the risk of mobility problems and arthritis, and it is therefore recommended that you include chia seeds in your diet.

7. They give you energy

Glass of lemon juice with chia seeds.

The proteins and essential fatty acids in these seeds give the body an energy boost to improve performance throughout the day.

  • They are recommended for athletes and people whose jobs are demanding, as they prevent fatigue and increase physical and mental productivity.
  • They prevent premature aging.
  • The antioxidant compounds contained in this food are useful to inhibit cell damage caused by free radicals in the environment.
  • Omega 3, vitamin E and amino acids provide a protective effect on cells.  Thus, they improve their activity to avoid premature aging.

    8. Avoid dehydration

    One of the most interesting characteristics of chia is that it has the ability to absorb between 10 and 12 times its weight in water. This is beneficial in preventing dehydration of the body. On the other hand, its potassium and magnesium content helps balance the body’s electrolytes, which tend to suffer imbalances due to excessive fluid loss.

    Include chia seeds in your regular diet

    Do you dare to add chia seeds to your diet? If you have not tried them yet, do not hesitate to buy them at the nearest supermarket or herbal store. Incorporate a small portion into your favorite dishes and take advantage of all these benefits.

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