7 Toxic Words You Should Stop Using

It is better if toxic words are replaced by positive and healthy words. Pay attention, maybe you use them without realizing it.

On a day-to-day basis, you may use toxic words even if you don’t notice it. And the truth is that what is said has an importance, even when it seems that they may be harmless words.

Therefore, we suggest you make a compilation of some toxic words that should be abandoned. They are words that influence what you do, how you relate to others and, also, with yourself.

Toxic words commonly spoken

As indicated by a research presented at the XXIX Research Congress of the Anglo Mexican University Center (CUAM), language is a valuable weapon that you have to know how to handle well. Therefore, below we offer you a list of toxic words so that you take them into account when communicating. Take aim!

1. Rare

“How weird it is”, “that’s so weird …” are some expressions that, perhaps, are familiar to you. And it is that if this is how you usually define an individual, you reveal something that you do not take into account: prejudices.

Every time you say that someone is weird, you are actually claiming that you are the normal one. When you say that what a person does is strange, it also means that what you do falls within the canons.

Different fish

But … Who determines this? Everyone is different, but society and fashions influence you more than you think. For that reason, it would be positive to use this word less and open the mind more.

2. Need, a toxic word in a relationship

This verb is used between couples in an attempt to let each other know how special they are. However, behind this word there are some statements that it is better to uncover: “without you I am nothing”, “you are everything to me”, “what would I do without you”, “I love you more than my life”, and so on.

The need for another person to be happy is dependency, not love. However, as a study published in 2020 by the Ibero-American Journal of Psychology and Health indicates , it continues to be confused with that pure feeling.

3. Guilt

You are to blame ” is a common phrase that reflects the fear that people have of taking responsibility for their own actions. This is one of the most deeply rooted toxic words, but the one that is often paid less attention. And it is that perhaps you tend to escape self-criticism because you want to be perfect.


If you make a mistake, accept it. There is nothing wrong … Who has not ever been wrong? But that’s not why you have to blame someone who doesn’t really have it.

4. Ugly

Who determines what is ugly or not? Perhaps the canons of beauty and misleading advertising that, through digital retouching, shows bodies and faces free of imperfections.

If you open your mind and free yourself from these beliefs, you will realize that there is nothing ugly. Each person or thing has its beauty, with features that can make you fall in love or be indifferent. In any case, something that does not appeal to you does not imply that it is ugly for someone else.

5. Impossible

Are you sure you can’t? What is impossible? This is one of the most limiting toxic words and one that, unfortunately, one says and believes oneself.

Anything is possible to the best of your ability. Only, sometimes, if you find yourself between a rock and a hard place, maybe that’s when you think you won’t be able to achieve or overcome something.

lack of interest

But you are stronger than you think. The “I can’t” is a denial that limits you. Change it for an “I can”, even if it costs. You will see how things change and the vision of the world, too.

6. Hate, one of the most damaging toxic words

Hatred itself is a hurtful feeling ; not only to others, but also to those who feel it. It is like an ulcer that grows and hurts inside. However, this feeling is present in phrases such as “I hate my job”, “I hate my partner”, “I hate my situation”, etc. You may hate this, but… do you do something to change it?

If the answer is no, you are nurturing a grudge that you are accepting yourself. Hate fills you with bad feelings, but you can get rid of it right now.

7. Failure

Perhaps the feeling of failure has been chasing you for a long time and, in fact, the pronunciation of this word already terrifies you. However, sometimes you say to yourself: “I am a failure.”


There is a false belief that failure is a terrible thing. However, it is an opportunity to improve, to make better decisions and, above all, to learn from what has been done. There is nothing wrong with failing, on the contrary. Change that “I am a failure” to “I am a person who learns from every mistake he makes.”

And you? Do you use any of these toxic words?

Do you use these toxic words on a day-to-day basis? Being aware of them will allow you to stop them from changing them and replacing them with more positive ones. Without a doubt, these small gestures will make you see life from another perspective.

Do you dare to start today?

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