7 Tools For Nutritional Care In Women

With the passage of time, occupations, lack of control and stress, it is common for us to put aside personal care. However, if we want to maintain good health we have to start applying personal care, above all, accurate nutritional care.

Indeed, one of the most effective ways to protect our health is to maintain a healthy and balanced diet and lifestyle.

Therefore, in this article we are going to review how we can optimally nourish ourselves with good quality food. In this way, we can also increase respect for the body and energize health.

The Building Blocks of Vibrant Health

love your body

Nutrition should involve more than eating the correct amounts of necessary nutrients.  Indeed, good nutritional care is also about understanding how metabolic processes develop and the factors that influence them.

Therefore, we must take into account:

  • The present and past emotional state.
  • The genetic inheritance.
  • The consumption of macronutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates).
  • The consumption of micronutrients (minerals and vitamins).
  • Exercise habits.
  • Environment and hours.
  • The energy that food gives us.

Here are some tools for your nutritional care that will guide us towards a better body image.

First tool: respect and acceptance are the foundation of health

First of all, we must respect the body. This is very difficult when we are overweight, ill, or have been mistreated or abused. However, it is possible for all of us to stop talking to the body in an insulting way. However, keep in mind that weight gains have been shown to be detrimental to health.

Would you speak to a young child or someone you love in the same way that you speak to yourself in the mirror? Probably not. Therefore, stop being so hard on yourself.

In this way, respecting yourself becomes a fundamental pillar when it comes to achieving your optimal weight, since respect is essential to generate feelings that help us lead an active and healthy life.

Second tool: get rid of emotional stress

woman with butterflies in hair

Emotional stress tends to keep you from excess body fat and other types of nutritional problems. This is because stress hormones (cortisol and adrenaline) drastically affect metabolism, as well as habits (eating poorly, leading a sedentary life, not resting, etc.)

Indeed, stress could lead us to binge eat. In this way, we could gain weight. Eating compulsively creates a nutritional imbalance that we can avoid by reflecting and relaxing  to solve our problems.

To improve the quality of rest, and reduce stress levels, you can opt for supplementation with melatonin. This manages to improve these situations, according to a study published in Neurological Research.

Third tool: eat for good health

This tool is summarized in a premise: no weight loss diet will work if we do not understand what type of food our body works best with. This is something that we must explore, because only then will we enjoy the food.

We have to know that the slimming diet mentality has very negative consequences on health. Let’s analyze what this “diet mentality” is by answering a few questions:

  • Do you avoid eating all day so you can gorge yourself at dinner?
  • When you are in front of a buffet, do you decide that you should not eat what you want?
  • Do you weigh yourself several times a day?
  • When you step on the scale and see that you weigh a pound more, do you scold yourself for it?
  • Do you starve yourself to the point that you end up devouring what you find on the way?
  • Do you say to yourself: “now I will eat this, but on Monday I start the diet”?
  • Do you know how many calories most foods have?

If the answer to most of these questions is yes, you may have a “diet mindset.” The negative of this is that, when we mentally restrict what we should eat, the body ends up rebelling.

In this way, it ends up reacting with a physiological inaction mechanism that decreases the metabolic rate and makes it increasingly difficult to carry out any restriction attempt. Therefore, we must reflect on how to eat to nourish ourselves properly and not to lose weight.

In this sense, keep in mind that there is evidence that vegetables should appear regularly in the diet. These manage to provide quality nutrients and generate a greater feeling of satiety.

Fourth tool: proper blood sugar level

Taking blood sugar with the help of the glucometer

What keeps your blood sugar at the correct levels is simply eating at the right times in a balanced way.

For this, there is no magic formula that works for everyone. In this sense, you must explore yourself and get to know yourself. A specialist doctor or a nutrition graduate can help you.

Fifth tool: the food-emotion connection

Studies have shown that unexpressed and unresolved emotional stress produces metabolic changes that inhibit the breakdown of fats. To this is added that the tendency to eat foods with a higher caloric intake and worse nutritional value is common …

Therefore, we must be honest about our relationship with food and examine how we use it. We have to answer the questions of how, when, where, when and how we feel. We will not be able to apply any recommendations to improve nutrition until we have honestly analyzed our problems in relation to food.

Sixth tool: analyze your cultural programming

Since their tribal stage, humans have eaten what they have been told was okay to eat. Thus, what we have been eating all our lives is what we understand to be healthy and safe for us, but it does not have to be that way.

For this reason, although it has always been understood that the more traditional fatty and caloric foods are necessary, the truth is that this is not the case.

Seventh tool: make peace with the weight and jump-start your metabolism

Woman who has lost weight thanks to ginger water

Although for many years we have been weighed and measured to calculate what we lack or have excess to reach a cultural ideal, today we must know that each woman has a natural weight in which her body will remain most of the time if eat enough and exercise regularly.

Longing for certain measures doesn’t make much sense. The important thing is to set a healthy body mass index for the body. In addition, it must be taken into account that a weight of 52 kilos with a vigorous bone and muscular constitution is not the same as the same weight with a medium or small body constitution.

Weight, as a measure of health, is misleading and ambiguous. In this sense,  the image that she projects of us is in itself destructive, as well as a wrong way of thinking about health and nutritional care.

Better habits for better health

When it comes to improving your body composition and health, it is important to look at your lifestyle habits. Both diet and habits can influence these parameters, so it should not be neglected in this regard. Run away from miracle plans that promise results in a short time and without effort.

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