7 Things That Affect Your Thyroid Health Without You Realizing It

The thyroid is a small gland that is involved in the functions of several important systems in our body. It is an endocrine organ that, by producing hormones, participates in metabolism, heart rate, mood, and other vital processes that determine health.

It is located just above the clavicle, in the front of the neck. Your daily activity influences your overall quality of life. For that reason, when your thyroid health is not the best it must be controlled in time. By identifying what factors alter its functions , its effects can be minimized.

In the next space we want to reveal 7 things that, without you realizing it, can deteriorate your thyroid health.

1. Sedentary lifestyle

Sedentary lifestyle

Maintaining a sedentary lifestyle is one of the possible triggers for thyroid diseases such as hypothyroidism. Studies show that there is a direct relationship between being overweight and thyroid.

Inactivity negatively impacts physical and emotional health, causing a reduction in the production of thyroid hormone.

As a consequence , metabolic functions slow down and, in turn, the tendency to suffer from overweight, obesity and diabetes increases.

Among other things, this bad habit influences symptoms such as:

  • Feeling of fatigue
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Hair and nail weakness
  • Cholesterol buildup
  • High blood pressure

2. Low iodine diet

The low absorption of iodine through the diet can influence the low production of thyroid hormones, that is, hypothyroidism.

Our body requires this nutrient to regulate the activity of the thyroid gland and, due to this, it is essential to ensure its intake in adequate amounts.

Some of the foods that naturally contain it are:

  • Sea salt
  • Himalayan salt
  • Blueberries
  • Radishes
  • Beans
  • Sea vegetables
  • Chocolate
  • Plain yogurt
  • Green peas

3. Cigarette smoking

Tobacco addiction not only has harmful effects on lung health.

The toxins contained in cigarettes travel through the bloodstream and, in addition to damaging tissues and cells, interferes with the health of the thyroid gland.

Tobacco reduces the levels of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), causing metabolic difficulties, visual problems and cardiovascular risks.

4. Diet rich in gluten

Gluten is a protein that can cause serious digestive complications in those with celiac disease or intolerance.

This substance is related to problems in the functioning of the thyroid, since it causes inflammatory and metabolic reactions when detected by the body’s immune system.

Dr. Sategna Guidetti conducted one of the many investigations that have been conducted to understand the relationship between gluten and thyroid disease. In his studies Guidetti found that the majority of people who eliminated gluten from their diet normalized subclinical hypothyroidism.

A diet free of gluten sources, even in those who are not intolerant, guarantees better functioning of the gland and less risk of associated conditions.

5. Excessive consumption of soybeans and derivatives

Properties of soy lecithin

Although on several occasions we have known the multiple benefits of soy, it is essential to know that its excessive intake can cause complications in the activity of the thyroid gland.

This is because its compounds inhibit the absorption of thyroid hormone, especially in patients who have early disease or risk.

In fact, for safety, people diagnosed with this type of conditions should eliminate this food and its derivatives from the diet.

6. Intake of alcoholic beverages

People who are used to ingesting alcoholic beverages excessively have a high probability of suffering, in the medium and long term, some complication in the function of their thyroid gland.

Although the excretory organs help filter and metabolize these drinks, many of their toxins manage to travel through the blood, interfering with the secretion of their hormones.

Endocrinologist Kent Holtorf says that studies show that excessive alcohol consumption blocks the release of the hormone THS, and the effect lasts for up to several days after you stop drinking alcoholic beverages.

7. Uncontrolled stress

work stress

Although we are not aware of it, the endocrine system is sensitive to changes in mood and, therefore, when there is poor management of stress, it is common for the production of thyroid hormones to be disturbed.

When these hormonal imbalances are not controlled, stress becomes a trigger for physical ailments.

As you can see, many factors have to do with difficulties in the functioning of the thyroid gland. If you identify one or more, try to take measures to avoid causing health complications. If you suspect a related illness, see your doctor for a timely diagnosis.

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