6 Things That Without Realizing Cause You Addiction

Addiction is defined as a habit that dominates a person’s will, controlling their way of thinking and behaving.

This can be towards a harmful substance, food or various types of activities that, although initially pleasant, can affect social relationships or self-integrity.

When referring to these we almost always imagine drugs, tobacco, alcoholic beverages or gambling. However, we should know that there are others that go unnoticed and that are even more common. It is proven that their lack of control can also interfere in many aspects of the individual.

Next, we want to share the 6 that most affect people but are ignored at the same time.

1. Internet

The Internet is the great addiction of our time.

As technology advanced, Internet addiction also increased. It is proven to be a problem that affects millions of people around the world. Four out of eight regular users of the network have their symptoms.

Addicts to this service have a strong tendency to break their social ties in order to spend more time online. In addition, when for some reason they cannot access it, they  present symptoms of anxiety  that can worsen with the passage of time.

2. Salty or spicy foods

In the first places of addictive foods are those whose flavor is salty or with a spicy touch. After eating snacks or other dishes with these characteristics, the person experiences a certain desire to continue eating them during the day.

Although sodium is important for health in small portions, there are more and more disadvantages due to its consumption in excessive amounts. Apparently, its intake stimulates an area of ​​the brain that generates pleasure. This, when activated, creates a small addiction that is very difficult to deactivate.

Once the brain gets used to feeling that feeling of well-being, it begins to ask for more. It is increasingly difficult to regain the feeling of satiety.

On the other hand, spicy food alters the trigeminal nerve, the one that is responsible for causing the various sensations in the face. This causes more endorphins to be released to soften the itch. Thus, the body enters a state of relaxation that can lead to addiction.

3. Use lip moisturizer

Lip moisturizers can be addicting.

We would never have imagined that such a common and used product was addictive. Although it is hard for us to believe, substances such as menthol, camphor and phenol can provoke that uncontrollable desire to use them.

These additives have the function of hydrating the lips and reducing the aggressions suffered by their delicate skin. However, it can become a bit of a compulsive habit and difficult to break.

4. Sweet foods

Fortunately, today many people are learning about addiction to sugar and all kinds of sweet foods that contain it. We caution that it is important, because it has been shown to have negative health effects and is almost as difficult to quit as drugs.

Although it is part of the diet of millions of people and in small amounts it does not pose a risk, there is a great probability that the individual feels the need to try it every day, even several times throughout the day.

This abuse not only generates a strong dependency but also triggers serious health problems such as obesity, diabetes, cavities and a large number of other pathologies.

5. Physical training is also addictive

Physical training can be addicting.

There is a fine line between exercising for health and doing it for obsession. Although it is clear that this habit is very good for the body and physical and mental health, it is essential to understand that its excesses can lead to catastrophic results.

  • The body reaches a point of resistance where it can perform almost any type of training without causing damage.
  • The problem is that many want to exceed it and make undue efforts without thinking about the possible consequences.
  • This leads to more muscle, joint and bone injuries, as well as persistent pain and fatigue.

6. Tan

Many people, especially women, have an addiction to tanning because they consider it aesthetic and enjoyable. This phenomenon tends to be more frequent in the United States, but in many other parts of the world it is becoming more and more common.

Over-tanning is dangerous, regardless of whether it is done in special cameras or on the beach. With this there is a psychological addiction derived from the increase in endorphins and the feeling of well-being. Long-term negative reactions include: premature aging, the appearance of spots, skin sensitivity or skin cancer.

Do you feel identified with any of the mentioned addictions? As you can see, there are habits that easily become dependent on us. It is important to learn to wear them correctly and moderately so that later they do not become a problem.

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