6 Reasons To Include Eggs In Your Breakfast: Very Healthy!

There are many people who avoid consuming eggs because they think that it will make them gain weight or that it will increase the bad cholesterol or LDL in the blood. However, nothing is further from the truth, since the secret is in balance and obviously, in eating a responsible, varied and balanced diet as well as possible.

In addition to being healthy and being a great source of protein, few foods are as versatile as eggs when cooking. They offer us original and healthy possibilities that go beyond the American breakfast. 

Today we want to present why it is recommended to include eggs in breakfast, as it is a good way to start your days with enough energy.

Reasons for having eggs for breakfast

1. They are a source of nutrients

If you are a lover of tortillas, do not hesitate to prepare one for your breakfast. You can include it in several ways, for example, a hard-boiled egg combined with some cherry tomatoes, a little oatmeal and some fruit. We insist on the versatility of the egg when cooking it.

Eggs are rich in protein and vitamins, among which can be mentioned:

  • Riboflavin.
  • B12 vitamin.
  • Vitamin B6.
  • Folic acid.

In addition, they contain minerals such as

  • Iron.
  • Calcium.
  • Zinc.
  • Potassium.
  • Magnesium.
  • Selenium.

It is important to eat a breakfast that contains the 3 macronutrients that the body needs, these are fat, carbohydrates and protein, so it is recommended to include a piece of fruit at breakfast, such as an orange cut into pieces with honey, perhaps a apple, either red or green, as well as a tangerine or a banana.

In addition, we could add to our morning dish, 1 or 2 slices of rye bread, since this bread contains healthy fibers that would help improve digestion for the rest of the day.

2. Is it true that if I eat eggs, my “bad” cholesterol will go up?

Eggs in your breakfast

Like the consumption of other foods and beverages, a responsible balance must be maintained. We are not going to have breakfast, for example, 2 eggs every day. However, nothing will happen if you take them 2 or 3 times a week in a varied way.

For example, one day in the form of an omelet with spinach, then you can eat hard-boiled eggs, and to continue varying, the next day make them scrambled with garlic, red onion and parsley.

Eating eggs on a regular basis will not affect the health of our hearts. According to the Institute for Egg Studies, eggs are good for the heart. the brain, sight, among other advantages when consuming it responsibly.

What’s more, in their composition they contain a nutrient called choline that could help improve cardiovascular and brain health. What this element, associated with vitamin B, does is metabolize and decrease homocysteine. This type of amino acid helps fatty plaques adhere to our arteries.

That is, including eggs in your breakfasts will not raise your bad cholesterol but will allow you to regulate it. So, remember that your meals are always as varied as possible, wherever there is fiber, vitamins, minerals and protein.

3. They leave us more satiated

Surely on some occasion you have read that eggs can help us lose weight. Well, you have to assess all the information objectively, understanding a little of all the data.

Eggs are rich in protein and contain a very high nutritional value. Therefore, they will help us to feel very satiated and to endure in perfect condition until lunchtime. This way we will also avoid snacking between meals. All this will allow you to have more energy and have to consume fewer calories that, in the long term, can make us fat.

4. Eggs are good for your brain health

Did you know? Eggs are great for keeping our memory in good condition, for improving circulation and neuronal connection.

The reason for this is found again in choline, a little-known nutrient that plays an important role in building cell membranes, and is involved in several vital functions of our body.

Eggs are one of the best natural sources of choline. It supports healthy brain development, plays a prominent role in liver function and metabolism, and has been documented to reduce the risk of breast cancer.

5. Inflammation is reduced

Eggs to reduce inflammation

It is suggested to add 1 egg to your breakfast 2 or 3 times a week; this, so that the choline helps you lower inflammatory markers. Like, for example, homocysteine.

In turn, the protein present in eggs can help reduce the risk of arteriosclerosis. In addition, if the eggs are combined with a little extra virgin olive oil, these benefits can be enhanced.

6. Eggs are a natural source of vitamin D

Eggs are rich in vitamin D

We will find vitamin D in the yolk of the egg. It is known that having a low level of this vitamin will cause our bones to be weak and that we have less strong defenses. It also causes this to be reflected in the weakness of our hair and nails, as well as in muscle aches and a very marked fatigue.

Finally, it is important to always emphasize the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle, which includes a healthy, responsible and balanced diet that we can carry according to our weight, height and personal goals.

We cannot ignore that exercising between 3 and 4 times a week could help us not only to balance our metabolism, but also to have much more energy during the day. 

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