6 Habits That Help You Protect Your Skin Against Cancer

Skin cancer has increased significantly in recent years, so apply prevention measures such as sunscreen, routine check-ups or supplements Diet can be a great way to cope.

Are you looking for a way to protect your skin against cancer? Maybe your skin is too light or you have relatives who have suffered from this disease. The truth is that the cases of skin cancer have increased progressively and it is advisable to take precautionary measures.

In this article we share 6 habits that will help you protect your skin against cancer. We must become aware of this serious health problem and know the risk factors and effective preventive measures.

6 habits that help you protect your skin against cancer

1. Sunscreen

Woman walking through the city putting on sunscreen

First of all, sunscreen is designed to protect the skin against solar radiation. By applying it we are creating a barrier against ultraviolet rays. For this reason, in recent decades its use has been promoted from different spheres of public health.

However, cases of skin cancer in its most severe form have continued to rise. Therefore, in addition to using sunscreen, we must take other preventive measures.

2. Lotions with antioxidants

According to a study published by Duke University Medical Center, it suggests that sunscreens are effective but not ideal for skin protection. They claim that this is because they are not used in the correct way, because their spectrum is incomplete and that they can present toxicity.

Instead, they propose as a complement to sunscreens the topical application of some antioxidants. They claim that these are documented and would help protect the skin against cancer in an additional way. These are:

  • Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin E.
  • Selenium.
  • Zinc.
  • Silymarin.
  • Soy isoflavones.
  • Tea polyphenols.

3. Routine checks

Doctor observing a mole on the back of a man

It is important that we take into account whether we should go to routine check-ups. Some risk groups that require greater preventive measures and controls are :

  • History of skin cancer.
  • Family history of melanoma.
  • Excessive sun exposure.
  • Skin with phototypes I or II.
  • Genetic disorders with increased risk of skin cancer.
  • Habitual smokers.
  • Patients with HIV, HPV and polyomavirus.

4. Beware of some medications

We must also take into account a more unknown factor. Some medications increase photosensitivity, which would harm us when it comes to protecting the skin against cancer.

Some of these medications are:

  • Tetracyclines (especially doxycycline).
  • Thiazide diuretics.
  • Sulfonamides.
  • Fluoroquinolones.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Retinoids
  • Grass of San Juan.

We can always check with our doctor if we take some of these drugs. If we cannot modify the treatment, we must take extreme precautions against sun exposure, given our greater vulnerability.

5. Effective oral supplements

Woman taking a capsule

We have talked about antioxidants on a topical level. However, food always occupies a fundamental place in our health. Therefore, we can turn to supplements that help us protect the skin against cancer with a proven scientific basis.

These supplements can be taken in a complementary way, but they should not be considered as an exclusive measure to protect us from the harmful effects of the sun. They should be part of all these tips for effective prevention. In addition, we recommend always consulting with your doctor before taking supplements.

Here we highlight the most effective supplements. In addition, we also mention some foods rich in these nutrients:

  • Vitamin A: Liver, carrot, spinach, dairy, pumpkin, egg.
  • Vitamin C: Acerola, guava, citrus, strawberries, kiwi.
  • Vitamin E: Olive oil, sunflower seeds, almonds, pine nuts, Brazil nuts, dried apricots, spinach, quinoa, oysters.
  • Selenium : Brazil nuts, tuna, oysters, sesame, egg.
  • Essential fatty acids: Blue fish, flax oil, evening primrose oil, avocado.
  • Resveratrol : Grape or wine juice, peanut, dark chocolate, blueberry.

6. Other factors

Finally, we must emphasize that not only exposure to the sun is the culprit of skin cancer. Also tanning beds and exposure to chemical agents in certain places or jobs can present a high risk.

Therefore, we must follow all these precautions. If we have an outdoor lifestyle, we will always need to wear the right clothing to protect the skin from cancer, as well as sunglasses and our sunscreen.

We also remember the importance of quitting toxic habits such as tobacco and following a complete and balanced diet. Without forgetting routine checks whenever necessary.

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