5 Tips To Gain Weight Without Gaining A Belly

Gaining weight is easy, but doing it without gaining a belly is more complicated. We assure you that gaining pounds in a healthy way is even more difficult than shedding them, and this is true for most people.

Gaining weight is a complex process in which the scale is not the best ally to measure our evolution, nor is the body mass index (BMI). To achieve satisfactory results it is necessary to perform a body analysis to determine what is, in real terms, the ideal weight.

Before taking any action, it is advisable to consult a nutritionist, as he will be the one who will guide you throughout the process. Thus, the main objective will be to find a formula so that the weight gained is by increasing muscle mass and not by gaining fat.

Here are 5 tips to gain weight without having to think about your belly.

BMI: the tip of the spear

The first step you must take to gain weight properly is to calculate your body mass index. With this data, you will be able to know your degree of thinness and know how many kilos you should gain.

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With the BMI, it is basically determined if a person is overweight, obese or underweight. By means of its calculation, the relationship between the weight and the height of the individual is established. To calculate it, divide your weight in kilos by the square of your height in meters: Kg / m 2 . However, it is not a very reliable formula, therefore it must be interpreted by a professional.

The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies BMI as follows:

  • Obesity: equal to or greater than 30.00.
  • Overweight: equal to or greater than 25.00.
  • Normal weight: 18.50 – 24.99.
  • Low weight: 18.50.
  • Slight thinness: 17.00 – 18.49.
  • Moderate thinness: 16.00 – 16.99.
  • At the thin end: less than 16.00.

5 tips to gain weight without gaining a belly

Maite Zudaire, dietician-nutritionist, teacher and nutritional advisor, explained in an article entitled How to gain weight in a healthy way  a series of tips that we must take into account.

In her lines, the specialist Maite Zudaire states that gaining kilos by gaining muscle mass is more complicated than doing it at the cost of gaining body fat. And this is a factor that makes many people gain a belly.

Those who are considering gaining weight believe that the only way to achieve this is by eating uncontrollably, but this is false. In this process, food intake should not be exaggerated, but controlled.

The specialist suggests that the nutritional plan must be well made with healthy foods. These foods must be able to be combined in a correct way.

1. Each meal should contain a serving of complex carbohydrates

Both at breakfast, lunch and dinner there should be a source of complex carbohydrates, since these provide the elemental energy that our body needs. Zudaire points out that, if they are incorporated in their proper measure, they will allow proteins to fulfill their functions, which are the following:

  • Help growth.
  • Repair muscles and tissues.

If this premise is not respected, the proteins will be used by the body as another source of energy. The nutritionist points out that whole grains and their derivatives can be incorporated with legumes.


Rice, pasta or couscous is a good option. Also, cereals – rice, oatmeal, corn, wheat, millet, etc. -, nuts, cereal bars, whole wheat bread, and healthy snacks that combine these options.

2. More quality protein for weight gain

Proteins are essential to gain weight, because they are a source of amino acids, which are responsible for stimulating the secretion of growth hormone. A correct protein intake is associated with better muscle recovery and with the genesis of lean tissue, as stated in an article published in The Journal of Nutrition.

In children these nutrients are really important for proper physical development and in adults to increase muscle mass and not the amount of fat. For this reason, it is necessary that if you want to gain weight, you consider a safe, suitable and proportionate protein intake in your diet.

Egg whites are the benchmark in terms of protein of animal origin, since they are the most complete. As for plant-based proteins, what matters is their appropriate combination: cereals and legumes or cereals and nuts.

Zudaire points out that the WHO recommends consuming more vegetable proteins than those of animal origin, although many experts advise that the distribution between the two be equitable.

3. Add nuts and seeds

Adding these foods can serve as a snack to satiate your appetite. Pair them with cream toast toast, or eat them like cereal bars. This offers the ideal combination of nuts and grains, so it can be an excellent source of protein.

4. Carbohydrates plus protein

This combination is necessary to do it in the main meals or before the exercise sessions. The reason is that both groups of macronutrients help build muscle mass and help you gain weight.

In addition, the consumption of both substances together favors muscle recovery to a greater extent than taking them separately, according to a study published in the journal Nutrients.


5. Vitamins are important

Vitamins will help to gear the whole process, because they provide nutrients that the body cannot synthesize on its own. For example, vitamin B1 optimizes the obtaining of energy that comes from carbohydrates and B2 does the same with the energy provided by proteins.

Plan a healthy diet to gain weight

To gain weight, eat whole grains, legumes, lean meats, and egg whites . All these options are rich in vitamins and their combination will provide your body with the proteins and carbohydrates necessary to avoid gaining a belly in this whole process.

Now, if you have any questions, remember to consult a nutritionist. He will give you the best recommendations according to the characteristics of your body. It is very possible that you also need a special training plan, the specialist can help you with it as well.

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