5 Keys To Overcome Emotional Suffering

All of us at some point have gone through an experience that has caused us great emotional pain. But is there a way to overcome emotional suffering that alleviates what we feel?

Every time we suffer, around us we can hear phrases such as: “you will see that everything passes”, “you will be fine again”, “come on, don’t cry”. However, this may not be helpful at this time.

In this space we offer you 5 keys to overcome emotional suffering that do not imply escaping from it or ignoring it, but looking at it head on and dealing with it in the best way. Let’s find out how we can do this.

1. To overcome emotional suffering: try to accept your situation first

Woman receiving emotional support

What happens when we are bad, but someone asks us how we are? We tend to lie, tell him that everything is fine, and sometimes we even add an “as always.” However, to overcome emotional pain we have to start being honest.

It is okay to say that we are having a bad time, that we are not in the best moment and that we feel pain. We may think that we are going to give pity or shame. However, being honest with others and saying how we really feel will allow us to recognize our suffering, not deny it, much less ignore it. Thus, instead of avoiding emotions, we will be embracing them.

2. Where does this suffering come from?

Our suffering may have an origin that is not clearly presented to us. What was the stimulus that triggered that emotion? How have we felt? What response have we had?

Taking the time we need to analyze what happens to us from different perspectives and gradually removing layers of onion from our suffering will allow us to find the origin of it. Perhaps it is the result of a childhood trauma or an unsurpassed loss.

3. Start giving yourself words of encouragement

When we manage to overcome emotional suffering and look back, we realize how badly we have treated ourselves. We dedicate ourselves to phrases like “you are worth nothing, others are worse off than you, but look at you complain, you are stupid”, etc.

These phrases do not help, but in these moments we become very self-critical. This, instead of encouraging us to move on, plunges us into a cycle of despair, anguish, and further suffering.

That is why it is important that we take care of ourselves and treat ourselves with affection. What do we say to others when they are having a hard time? We offer you words of encouragement, right? For this is also what we should do with ourselves.

4. Value who is next to you

When we are having a hard time, sometimes we want to be alone or to be left alone. However, even though we are focusing too much on our suffering, it is important that we be aware of those people who do not abandon us.

People who are by our side, who with their mere presence have already done a lot that, if we fall, they will be there to stretch out their hand so that we can grab it and get up. Let us value these people who, perhaps, although they do not fully understand us, are there.

5. Go to the psychologist: it will help you overcome emotional suffering

Woman at the psychologist's office

Many people are reluctant to go to the psychologist. They believe that what they know or can learn for themselves is enough to overcome emotional suffering. Perhaps, deep down, they have some negative beliefs about what it means to go to the psychologist.

A psychologist is a guide who gives us the necessary tools to overcome emotional suffering, in this case. Going to a psychologist we can feel accompanied, understood and be able to see the situation from other perspectives.

Going to the psychologist will allow us to feel that we breathe fresh air, that we can get out of this and that everything will be fine again, even if it involves a relatively long process.

Emotional suffering does not have to become a burden that becomes so attached to us that we end up identifying with it. You can go through that suffering, get over it, and move on.

Have you ever tried to overcome emotional suffering on your own? Have any of the above keys helped you?

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