4 Psychological Keys To Living In The Here And Now

Stop making excuses that prevent you from living in the here and now. The present is the only safe thing you have, do not waste it or waste it. Life is short and you only have one, so gratefully enjoy the things that are offered to you.

Time passes without you noticing. You are only aware of your fragility when something bad happens and you have no choice but to wish that everything is okay again. Living in the here and now shouldn’t be that complicated, but it seems like you get the opposite feeling. Why?

4 keys to living in the here and now

Happy woman thinking about mental hygiene habits

1. End psychological rumination

Rumination is what cows do; they chew their food over and over again, without this action seeming to have an end. People do the same, but with their thoughts:  they spin them a hundred thousand times when, really, they just have to free them.

Worries, assumptions, negative experiences that return to the present … Instead of letting go of all this, it is trapped in the mind. Thus, thoughts turn on themselves without stopping, without there being an end.

Walking in nature or doing a relaxing activity will help everything that has settled in your mind begin to flow. It is time to let go. 

2. Invest your time wisely

It is impossible to live in the here and now if you are working most of the time. The day is more than just being in the office, eating and sleeping.

Perhaps you have immersed yourself in a routine of demands and obligations and have forgotten the moments of calm and enjoyment. It is important that you reflect on how things are going and what your priorities are.

Doing so will help you find the wellness you deserve. Because you need time for yourself and yours. Not everything has to move between extremes; It is your responsibility to try to find that balance that gives way to well-being and you can take advantage of the moment.

3. Take care of your self-esteem

It is difficult to live in the here and now if you have neglected your self-esteem. This is one of the most powerful tools you have and it is your duty to protect and care for it.

Thanks to it, you will be able to achieve your goals and you will enjoy more of the small achievements. However, when you have low self-esteem, most of the time you will feel enslaved to those expectations that you have set and are not too realistic.

Do not put aside your self-esteem, since she is the one that will make you feel good. Value yourself, there is no one like you. Accept yourself and of course love yourself. If you do not, you will miss opportunities and will be unable to soak up all the positive that is around you.

4. Cultivate mindfulness

The mindfulness will help focus attention on living the here and now. It is a highly recommended and beneficial practice, both for our physical and mental health.

Thanks to this, you will be able to get away from the past and also from the future: those realities in which one cannot intervene, either because they have already happened or because it is not yet known how they will happen.

In addition, it will also keep depression, anxiety and other negative emotions that prevent you from enjoying and feeling life.

Woman doing mindfulness

You have the power to change your thinking

Living in the here and now is not difficult, it is the human being that makes this so complicated. Responsibilities, stress, and worries keep you from getting what really matters.

You only have one life, one chance that this is not a useless and meaningless path. Why do you allow time to pass as if it was worth nothing? Set priorities and ask yourself what it is you want.

You are not someone who follows others out of inertia; you are a person who can find happiness, balance and well-being if you wish. It is time for you to start making decisions. You are ready?

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