3 Types Of Skin That Need More Care Against The Sun

Although several types of skin are distinguished, only some of them are more sensitive to the sun’s rays, so they need more care to avoid burns . What is it about?

Enjoying the sun in summer is part of the ritual of the season. Therefore, any type of skin is exposed to receive the sun’s rays. However, there are some sensitive dermis that need more care, so we suggest you know the three types of skin that are most sensitive to the sun’s rays.

The type of skin is highly conditioned by genetics; According to a study published by Pigment Cell Research , melanin levels are closely related to skin color.

A study published in 2008 in the journal Biomédica explains that skin types according to color are measured by the Fitzpatrick scale, which distinguishes six phototypes. Type 1, 2 and 3 skin types are characteristic of white and Caucasian people. On the other hand, type 4, 5 and 6 skins refer to those with a dark complexion and color.

Skin deserves thorough care

One of the most important functions of the skin is to provide protection against the external environment. It also contributes to the mission of regulating body temperature and protecting the body from the sun’s rays.

In summer, you should protect your skin and use sunscreen with the most appropriate factor in your case, as recommended by the Spanish Association of Medicines and Health Products.

With regard to this, it is important to know first that type 1, 2 and 3 skin is more sensitive to the sun’s rays. Here’s how to protect them from the sun.

Phototype I: very light skin

skin types

This type of skin is characteristic of people with very fair skin, often redheads, with blue eyes and freckles on the body. In these cases, as a publication of the Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology explains , prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause serious burns in the dermis, because the melanin is weak and the level of penetration is higher.

The tan in these people presents with red marks on the dermis and the healing process of sunburn can be painful. The face and back are the most sensitive parts of this type of skin, because the sun’s rays reach the epidermis directly.

  • If you have a very fair complexion and have this type of skin, you should be extra careful and use sunscreen before exposing yourself to the sun. Anyway, it is best to avoid sunlight as much as possible.
  • The protection factor of the sun cream will be the highest, to avoid burns and dry skin.

Phototype II: fair skin

White people with blue eyes and blonde hair generally have phototype II on their skin; they also tend to have freckles, according to the study cited in the previous point. Even when their exposure to the sun is low, they absorb the sun’s rays quickly and this can lead to burns and pigmentation.

As with the previous phototype, there are red marks caused by the sun’s rays. However, the healing process, in this case, will be faster.

  • This type of skin must protect the body using sunscreen and accessories for the summer.
  • The protection factor of the sun cream should also be high. If you are blonde and have this type of skin, avoid direct exposure to the sun and take care of yourself.

Phototype III: Caucasian skin

skin types

People with this skin type are usually white with dark hair. They are not used to being exposed to sunlight and are sensitive to radiation.

  • This phototype burns moderately, compared to type I and II. This is due to the constant production of melanin and skin structure, in addition to other factors linked to the distribution of melanosomes, according to a study published by the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology .
  • Burns in Caucasians are mild, but should still be protected with sunscreen.

    Recommendations for skin types I, II and III

    If you belong to any of the groups mentioned, keep in mind these keys offered by the aforementioned publication of the AEMPS to be able to enjoy the sun without problems:

    • Use sunscreen on the face and extremities of the body. The sunscreen factor must be high, and it must be even higher for the face.
    • Do not expose yourself to the sun’s rays in the hours of greatest radiation. From 10 AM to 4 PM are the hours when the sun’s rays are most intense.
    • Apply sunscreen consistently. Every two hours, apply cream and hydrate the skin. Also repeat the application if you have sweated or if you have submerged in the water.
    • Use accessories such as sunglasses and hats to prevent the sun’s rays from reaching directly to the skin of the face.
    • Hydrate the skin constantly and consume plenty of water.

    All skin types deserve care

    If you already know your skin type, with these precautions you can enjoy the summer without major difficulties. Keep in mind that, in addition to having a bad time and ruining your free time, sunburn can lead to much more serious complications.

    Finally, a good recommendation is to consult with your dermatologist about the most advisable products for your particular case, especially if you have a sensitive dermis. Protect your skin from the sun’s rays, and enjoy the sun without burning yourself!

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