10 Tips To Detoxify The Lymphatic System

There are those who consider that it is advisable to implement certain measures to detoxify the lymphatic system and thus reduce the risk of suffering from diseases.

The need to “detoxify” comes from the idea that stress and poor diet can cause waste to accumulate in the body and more specifically: in the lymphatic system. When this happens, you may not only feel more tired often, but more vulnerable in general.

Would you be interested in knowing how to detoxify the lymphatic system and improve your health? Below we will tell you what you can do every day.

What is the lymphatic system?

According to MedlinePlus experts, the lymphatic system can be defined as follows: “It is a complex network of organs, lymph nodes, ducts and lymphatic vessels that produce and transport lymph from tissues to the bloodstream. Furthermore, it is part of the body’s immune system ”.

Lymph is a fluid made up of white blood cells and chyle (another fluid that contains fat and protein, which comes from the intestines).

Keys to detoxifying the lymphatic system

While it is true that by practicing good lifestyle habits you can significantly contribute to the health of the entire body, it is believed that by putting certain measures into practice you can detoxify the lymphatic system naturally.

Let’s see below what those measures come to be.

1. Manage stress and your emotions in a healthy way

We could say that stress is a modern evil that makes us sicker every day. The importance of putting measures and managing these situations is vital. Stress releases substances like the hormone cortisol or catecholamines; both force the organism to react, to “be alert.”

Then, blood pressure and heart rate increase  .  Also, regarding the immune system, —of which the lymphatic system is a part—, what happens is that white blood cells accumulate in certain structures of the nervous system with the idea of ​​“defending ourselves” against this dangerous situation.

However, if stress becomes chronic, white blood cells are progressively lost. Too many days are working to defend the body, so  the level of immunity drops and we have a higher risk of getting sick.

2. Walk every day

Walking as a way of doing sports for health.

Aerobic exercises such as walking, cycling, dancing or swimming are very beneficial to maintain good circulation and, at the same time, detoxify the lymphatic system.

Exercising daily is highly recommended because it favors multiple processes in the body and helps us enjoy well-being.

3. No to industrial drinks

All industrial drinks (including those with the adjective light or the phrase “zero sugar” on the label ) are not recommended for the diet. Much less if they are consumed regularly. 

Therefore, to take care of health in general and detoxify the lymphatic system, it is best to do without this type of drink and, instead, consume water and natural drinks, without added sugar or sweeteners. Some recommended options are infusions, juices and fruit juices.

4. Eat more fruit

Fruit for dessert

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends consuming several pieces of fruit a day to supplement the diet and enjoy good health. This measure is also supported by experts in health and nutrition.

Discover: Why is it important to eat fruits and vegetables according to the WHO?

5. Yes to vegetables and greens

Vegetables are foods that not only complement the diet, providing fiber and contributing to the feeling of fullness when eating. They also provide all kinds of essential nutrients for the health of the entire body.

Regularly consuming fresh foods such as legumes, fruits, vegetables, and vegetables, is more than recommended. 

6. Don’t add sugar to your drinks and food

When enjoying a cup of coffee, tea or any other drink, it is advisable to avoid adding sugar and sweeteners, since these promote the appearance of diseases such as obesity and being overweight.

7. Eat nuts

Nuts in a bowl

Another type of recommended food to supplement the diet is nuts. In addition to providing various nutrients, they also provide healthy fats that help for energy.  Every day, at breakfast or mid-morning snack time, there are those who choose to take 1 of the following options:

  • Between 3 and 5 walnuts. 
  • 8 to 10 almonds.
  • 15 grams of sunflower seeds (without salt).
  • Between 15 and 20 pistachios.
  • 15 grams of pumpkin seeds.
  • 8 to 10 hazelnuts.
  • 15 grams of flax seeds.

8. Choose a natural infusion

According to beliefs, some herbal teas could help detoxify the lymphatic system. These could be consumed once a day, as a supplement to the diet. 

Some of the most popular options are: nettle infusion, dandelion infusion, and horsetail tea.

8. Get lymphatic drains

Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) is a massage therapy technique that can stimulate the natural drainage of lymph and thus promote the “activation of the functioning of the superficial lymphatic system to improve the elimination of interstitial fluid and large molecules and facilitate their evacuation”.

10. Take a relaxing bath

Once a week, a relaxing bath may be beneficial. To do this, all you have to do is fill the bathtub with warm water, add a few drops of lavender essential oil and soak in there for a while.

Discover: Tips for giving relaxing massages

With all these suggestions to detoxify the lymphatic system you can enjoy health and well-being, but remember that along with this you must maintain good lifestyle habits  in a consistent way, since this is something that the body rewards greatly.

If you consider that you have doubts when it comes to improving your lifestyle habits, consult your doctor. The professional will give you the guidance you need.

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